Monday, February 8, 2010


The video showed in class was an eye-opener. Society puts a heavy influence on technology usage that it is somewhat hidden. It has gotten to the point where people have addictions to not only one technological device but multiple. Very rarely do I take a moment to stop and watch what everyone is doing or myself for that matter. Cell phones have become like a third hand for some. I am in no way bashing these advancements because the fact remains that they connect society in so many different ways. I feel like because people were so consumed with the idea of Internet and it's capabilities, the faults were left behind.

What stood out the most in my mind was the technology awareness that has risen in Korea. There are kids who are addicted to online gaming where they even have Internet Rescue Camps, a rehab for addicts of that nature. It was said within the clip that a few have even died in these online gaming cafes because of food/water deprivation from being on for nearly 50 hours. A quote from a MIT professor stood out in my mind, "...students need to be stimulated." I cant help but bring myself back to Korea where now Internet education is being taught at the second grade level, especically the safety and harms of the Internet. I think the research going into the is remarkable and who knows what they will find in the future.

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