Monday, February 22, 2010

Persuaders Post

Advertising has been around for quite some time whether people have realized it or not. Over the more recent years the amount of advertising has increased dramatically. Think about the Superbowl and how companies spend millions of dollars on a 30 second television commercial. The amount of advertising I see is a lot, possibly too much. I sign on the computer to check my e-mail and I see at least 3 banner advertisements. If I watch a half-hour sitcom on tv only about 22 minutes is actual footage and the rest is commercials, mostly advertisements. I wrote a paper for one of my communications class where I had to interview someone older than me, by at least 20 years and find out the differences between today's communication and then. I interviewed my dad, who is 50 years old. I remember how he told me watching television back than was more enjoyable. The advertisemesnts were not as plentiful and not as abrupt. They were more subdued in expressing their messages. Also, you would very rarely get a tele-marketer to call the house on a daily basis. I beleive in a lot of ways, from a personal perspective, advertisments interfer with people's lives. From a business standpoint, advertisments are extremely critical. It still doesn't change the amount of advertisements we see a day. I think that these numbers will inevtiably continue to increase and the ways in which they execute them will become even more conspicuous and smarter.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Frontline Posting 2

The second portion of the Frontline video was continously intriguing. I feel the examination of technology in American education was interesting and truthful. There is no doubt that children need stimulation when learning but who is to say technology is the way to go? The video spoke about how children will need newer skills to advance that weren't around 5 years ago. When a South Bronx principal was quoted, "Technology is like oxygen," I was taken back. It is the truth to a deep extent. Yet, what happens with students and distractions or short intention spans? I beleive, more than anything, the impact of technology and the Internet on children is solely dependent upon the child and their guardians. Youths are more smarter than society beleives.

Continuing, the video dealt a lot with the online gaming industry. I honestly beleive this is what stuck out to me the most. People are living their lives through these games. One woman interviewed even quit her job because she was so addicted to an online game. People create relationships with others that they may not have in the real world. I remember seeing a MTV show True Life on this topic, where people have desolved relationships because one was too addicted to an online game. There are advantages to the virtual online world though. For instance, companies are saving money on travel or phone bills, etc. People can still work colloborately from the comfort of their own home. Also, people may be more inclined to speak their mind through the virtual world as opposed to face to face. The Second Life portion was quite crazy. There are people conducting business who have never even seen eachother. Companies can purchase land and market their product in Second Life. In certain online virtual programs people can create actual avatars of themself within 15 minutes.

The overall Frontline video was extremely interesting and educational. I learned a lot about certain topics within societal technology that I would have never understood. Technology is important to understand and utilize, it is the future. I beleive that educating children in how to use technology effeciently and smartly is important. It nay be too late for some whom are extremely addicted but for every action there is a reaction.

Monday, February 8, 2010


The video showed in class was an eye-opener. Society puts a heavy influence on technology usage that it is somewhat hidden. It has gotten to the point where people have addictions to not only one technological device but multiple. Very rarely do I take a moment to stop and watch what everyone is doing or myself for that matter. Cell phones have become like a third hand for some. I am in no way bashing these advancements because the fact remains that they connect society in so many different ways. I feel like because people were so consumed with the idea of Internet and it's capabilities, the faults were left behind.

What stood out the most in my mind was the technology awareness that has risen in Korea. There are kids who are addicted to online gaming where they even have Internet Rescue Camps, a rehab for addicts of that nature. It was said within the clip that a few have even died in these online gaming cafes because of food/water deprivation from being on for nearly 50 hours. A quote from a MIT professor stood out in my mind, "...students need to be stimulated." I cant help but bring myself back to Korea where now Internet education is being taught at the second grade level, especically the safety and harms of the Internet. I think the research going into the is remarkable and who knows what they will find in the future.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Web 2.0 Blog

User genereated content is material that is created by the user themselves. Traditionally, websites and content found on the web was created by professionals. Today, virtually anyone can log into a computer and create user generated content. Youtube videos are a prime example of thise.
Long tail is a web 2.0 aspect that assists businesses. Long tail is based off a strategy in selling large number of items in smaller quantities or selling fewer popular items in large quantities. For instance, textbooks could be an unpopular items but when you find them on, the quantities can increase because of the awareness and price strategy.
A web operating system deals with network service on the Internet. A web operating system or network as a platform is distinct to its' own computer. The desktop is now the service that is running the Internet.
Folksonomy focuses on how tagging unfolds. it is collaborative system in which creates and manages tags in order to create a cohesive category content. This can especially be seen on video websites.
Syndication is where numerous information or material can be found on multiple websites. RSS feeds are an example fo this. Syndication allows for current info to be expanded to different websites at ease.
Mass collaboration is when a ton of people work together to create a project. This can be seen in the academic arena with professors and their research.
Web applications are applications that can easily be obtained by using the Internet. They are usually unique and compatible across the board.
Hosted services are when a service includes both applications and the service. This tends to be aimed at businesses who need much of the same software.
Computer supported collaboration is research that tends to focus on groups of people. Chatrooms are an example that show how collaboration can easily be executed through a computer.
Mashups contain a combo of different applications and content. One can go to on a computer or on their website and so on.
Wikis are a platform that allows users to edit and create their own or others work. This is useful when creating communal websites and projects.
Video sharing sites are usually free and allow users to upload their own videos. There are usually loose restrictions on what people can upload. YouTube would be an example of this.
Social software allows users to share their content. Facebook is a prime example of social software. One is able to upload data while still collaborting. People can use the software however they like.

Monday, February 1, 2010


My collage dealt with television as a communication medium. I incorporated the earlier types of television to today’s most advanced televisions. I chose pictures that showed the versatility of televisions. From the multi-functional radio/tv, to the vhs/dvd incorporated tv to even the Nokia cell phone mobile tv. I also wanted to show how televisions aimed to communicate not just with adults. Even children are able to learn and communicate from televisions (like the Buzz Light Year tv). Televisions express everything from information to vivid images. The accessibility is convenient and information is processed quickly. As shown in the picture where the child is staring at the tv screen, much of society depends on television as a notable source of information. I believe television is a prime example of television as a communication medium. As seen in the television truck I believe that television has come a long way since its beginning and will only continue to be a staple in society as a communication medium.