Monday, January 25, 2010

Message in the Medium Assignment 1

Google Docs. Google Docs is a program through Google which allows users to interact with one another. One can write an article while another can edit it in real time. When one is online and another is editing a box appears that specifies just that. Even the IPhone has the ability to synch up with it, so work can be done anywhere and everywhere. The content would include: audio, documents, files, words, images and more. The message would include: transfer of files, cost effective, breaks geographical barriers and more. Google Docs is a prime example of a communication medium .

Smartphone. There are many smartphones or PDAs out in the market today ranging from the iPhone to a Blackberry. The content of a smartphone would include: text, audio, video, articles, etc. The message would include a more quick and convenient access of information. Also, media information becomes mobilized. Social networking sites even have their own applications on most of these phones. Geographic barriers, for the most part, are eliminated as well.

Television. Although the television may not be a breakthrough innovation it is definitely a staple in society. One can now purchase items off television channels with the click of a button. Or one can type in their zip code and search auctions near their area (for example: the auto auctions on IO tv). The content of television includes: audio, video, words, photos, etc. The message would include: fast speed, mobilized ability, public access and more.

1 comment:

  1. Society is influenced by Google Docs in a variety of ways. For instance, it allows people to be lazy by not physically meeting together to work on a collaborative project. However, Google Docs is also an extremely fast, convenient and free way to collaborate. Google Docs also eliminates geographic barriers. Google Docs poses many different types of personal and social consequences. In the business world, Google Docs adds to techno-stress where employees may not understand this new technology and may feel inferior. It also leads to feelings of isolation in that employees don’t feel as connected to their colleagues compared to if they were in an office setting. If a team were collaborating on an assignment, Google Docs doesn’t show the emotions or gestures one would normally conduct.

    Smart phones change the perception of society by changing the way people live their lives. People no longer have to drive to a store and buy a newspaper in order to receive the news. Smart phones allow for text, audio, video and more to be accessible 24/7, almost anywhere. From a business standpoint, that could harm sales for magazines and newspapers. Smart phones have the ability to organize peoples’ lives through accessories like calendar and agenda applications. Smart phones are extremely useful and convenient but they can also become a part of someone. If someone is too dependent on it or even loses it, their “life” is lost until it’s replaced.

    Television, a staple in society, changes society is so many different ways. Television allows people to be extremely lazy. The television has all types of channels from news to movies to game shows. With the correct devices attached, it also allows people to watch dvds and play cds. Therefore, the television allows people to use it for diversified reasons.The access of information is extremely fast. Televisions truly show how fast technology is changing. From plasma to wide screen to touch screen, televisions show audio, text, visuals and much more.
