Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Kelly & The Future

Kevin Kelly is a prime example of how people truly believe in all of the Web and its' capabilities. He spoke about how the Internet has evolved over the past 5,000 days, with no interuption. It is extremely remarkable to think that the whole idea of the web & Internet is only 5,000 days old. It seems so young. Nevertheless, within 5,000 days so much has gotten accomplished. Currently, there are 2 million emails being sent per second and 100 billion click per day. That is an insane amount. Kelly beleives that eventually everything will be shifted towards a cloud computing era. One where information will no longer be stored on towers, etc. Honestly, I think Kelly's whole idea on the web is pretty intense. I agree with some stuff but not all. I don't want a completely transparent Internet where when I sign up for a site all my friends are there to come along. If this was true, than middle-school kids would be having a blaster because they drop and gain friends by the day. Will computers be able to pick that up? I don't know, its crazy to think about. I believe that the web is an incredible resource but some take it a little to far.

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